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Everyone join Whiskerwick

Whiskerwick is a forum that was created in early 2015. It mostly revolves around a currency called "bones" that you get from posting in the forum and simply being active. Every time that you leave a message, you recieve 5 bones! In addition, you can sell & auction petz for bones, which is pretty sweet - it adds another element to the petz community for those that miss the petz auctions that were popular a few years ago.

if you have not checked it out yet, I really think you should. Some of the most popular forums (such as Petz community gathering) are a lot more "dead" than they used to be as far as petz-related activity and content. I think WW might be a place that can bring back the petz community again and revive it a bit. There are quite a few faces from those who used to be active, but surprisingly, there are also people who are new to the petz community for the first time, which I honestly find really surprising given that there are not many ways that people can find out about the community anymore.

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