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Past Updates

Here you can find a list of all of the past updates at Petz 'R Us! (At least, all of the past updates starting Dec 2015!)

May, 2016

(5/15) Added hexed adoptions! Some litters, returned petz, and singles!

(5/15) Updated my archive to add "Power Puff B+W's" and custom colors of various cat files.

(5/15) Updated the "Danes" crew page -- I actually don't have all of them up yet,

which I think is a problem because it's demonstrating how I have WAY too many danes.

I might update wtih a "MPA/cleanout" page once I have time... but for now I'll keep slowly adding them up!

(5/14) New spring banner! Looks like my petz got into my flower garden...

(5/14) Updated the "Pigs/Bunnies" other crew page with my piglets. <3

(5/14) Crossed off & sent out adopted petz. All have been added to the "happy homes" records page.


December, 2015


(12/31) Started adding my "Great Danes" crew up; not complete, but some are visable there!

(12/31) The blog is now on its own page!

(12/31) Crossed off adopted petz, and rearranged the "apply" section a bit: You can now find the forms under the "adopt" and "archive" tab

(12/29) Added "Past Updates" page and moved all the updates that were not from Dec 29th there.

(12/29) Moved the hexed "crew" that were done on the pages organized by breed to a designated "HEXED" page for both dogs and catz.

I thought organizing my crew in this way would work a bit better, and I can get all my hexed petz up before I finish individual crew pages of bred petz.

(12/29) Added the "to do" page to keep track of requests & things I need to get done in the petz community.

(12/29) Added "about me" to the "about" page.

(12/29) Adopted petz crossed off. Added "Happy Homes" page to keep track of adopted petz.

(12/29) Updated the links page: if you want me to add yours, e-mail  me or post in the c-bow!

(12/29) Fixed the link under "downloads" page; original catz breeds are now original catz breeds as they're listed as.

  (12/29) WE NOW HAVE ADOPTIONS! YAY! go check 'em out! Completed Primrose's request.

(12/29) Updated several crew pages under the "catz" category. Adding "sheepdogs" to the dogz breeds!

(12/16) New playscene! Go check it out! You can find it at the bottom of the playscenes page.

(12/16) An old toy of mine has been added to the downloads and PRU is now also hosting a toy made by RebeccaMonkey!

Scotties crew page: DONE! Hexies will come later, when I move all dogz hexies to the same page.

Now go request some litters! ^___^

(12/14) Alena is now one of our sister sites! Go check out her awesome petz site!

(12/14) New layout! (Or at least, a new banner and fresh look to the home page)

(12/6) Added the "sibling site" page under the links section & linked to siblings on homepage

(12/6) The "Catz Dance Hall" is NOT LONGER AN EXCLUSIVE TO WW playscene.

Therefore, you can find it on the shiny new "Playscenes" page under the "Download" section! enjoy! :)

(12/6) Updated my archive quite a lot. Some old, some new.

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