P e t z 'R U s
Welcome to Petz 'R Us!
Petz 'R Us is a website that focuses on the game Petz 4 and Petz 5. If you're hoping to help your crew grow, learn about the game and download some extra content then you've come to the right place! If you've never heard of petz before, I'm honestly not sure how you found your way here... but no worries! You can read about petz in the articles on the "links" page and download the game under the "download" tab! Let me know if you have any questions! I'd be happy to help with anything petz related.
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New Content & Updates:
Most recent update: March 09, 2019
♫ Sorting through my crew and updating those pages. I have not updated the adoptions to show which petz are no longer available...
so don't assume they are up to date, for now!