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Dolphin (m)

Adopted & Hexed by Pollution

Birthday is 3/29/2015

Resides in Petz 4

Eduardo (m)

Adopted & Hexed by Pollution

Birthday is 1/31/2016

Resides in Petz 4

The above cuties were hexed by Pollution's pig file. I absolutely adore the body mods that she was able to incorporate in these guys and feel incredibly lucky to own them! They've been a lot of fun in the game so far, and are great to have out with my horses and other "barn-like" animals. Definitely adds a lot to my game. Dolphin was won from an auction at Whiskerwhick. I paid SO many bones for him and still can't believe I won with how high the bids got. For some reaons my boyfriend and I had been joking around about naming a dog "Dolphin," which is how he got his name. Eduardo was bought on Whiskerwhick among about 3 other "boars." I named him afrter Eduardo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends because he reminded me of that character -- slightly terrifying, but also incredibly sweet.

Mudguard (f)

Adopted & Hexed by (Sam @ Petz Yellow Pages?)

Birthday is 10/06/2007

Converted in order to reside in Petz 5

This gal's origin is a little unclear, but I love that she is a flying pig! I adopted her way back when I first started participating in the petz community and thought she was the coolest thing. I love the idea behind her and she's rather cute!

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