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Cat Hexies

Instead of having the hexed petz listed along wtih my bred petz, I thought it would instead be fun to have ALL of my hexed petz on one page! So here they all are, organized by breed. If a dog was hexed to look like a "wild," another animal, or a pokemon, it might instead apear on one of my "other" crew pages.

Alley Catz

Whisky (m)

Birthdate: 12/08/2015

Personality: Alley Cat

Origin: Pinto, WW

Branch (m)

Birthdate: 7/11/2012

Personality: Alley Cat

Origin: Hexed by me!

Toothy (m)

Birthdate: 12/18/2010

Personality: Alley Cat

Origin: Midnightwolf

Pumpkin (m)

Birthdate: 7/19/2011

Personality: Alley Cat

Origin: Poppy @ Spooky

Black & White Shorthair

Azrael (m)

Birthdate: 7/22/2009

Origin: Hexed by me


Ariel (f)

Birthdate: 10/26/2008

Origin: jesi @ Backbeat

Toulouse (m)

Birthdate: 10/29/2008

Origin: Bubblewrap

Berlioz (m)

Birthdate: 10/29/2008

Origin: Bubblewrap

Marie (f)

Birthdate: 10/29/2008

Origin: Bubblewrap

Magenta (f)

Birthdate: 9/03/2007

Origin: Sarah @ Aurora

Blink (f)

Birthdate: 11/07/2009

Origin: Michy @ POGO

Kohero (m)

Birthdate: 11/02/2007

Origin: Kiyo

Alexi (f)

Birthdate: 7/06/2011

Origin: Lithh @ LTF

Chinchilla Persians

Valentine (f)

Birthdate: 9/12/2009

Origin: Amber @ Flummery

Dudley (m)

Birthdate: 6/17/2015

Origin: Catcreature (Lily)

Jillian (f)

Birthdate: 12/06/2015

Origin: Hexed by me

Kirsi (f)

Birthdate: 6/17/2015

Origin: Catcreature (Lily)

Davinny (f)

Birthdate: 6/17/2013

Origin: Hexed by me

Ellie (f)

Birthdate: 5/31/2012

Origin: Hexed by me

Lorraine (f)

Birthdate: 7/19/2011

Origin: Poppy @ Spooky

Armondo (m)

Birthdate: 7/02/2013

Origin: Hexed by me

Gloria (f)

Birthdate: 8/10/2013

Origin: Cas @ Devil's Den

Maine Coons

Zesta (f)

Birthdate: 7/14/2009

Origin: Poppy @ Spooky

Bloom (f)

Birthdate: 6/03/2012

Origin: Bennie

Cedric (m)

Birthdate: 6/09/2011

Origin: Rebel

Sage (m)

Birthdate: 2/22/2008

Origin: Calicity

Orange Shorthair

Bubblegum (f)

Birthdate: 7/09/2010

Origin: Renee (or Karaoke)

Conner (m)

Birthdate: 1/30/2008

Origin: Hexed by me

Pinkie (f)

Birthdate: 1/22/2008

Origin: jesi @ SHOTglass

Katie (f)

Birthdate: 10/29/2007

Generation/etc: 3rd, non-inbred, hexed parents

Origin: Jane

Joey (m)

Birthdate: 4/30/2009

Origin: Hexed by me


Homebound (f)

Birthdate: 11/02/2008

Origin: Bubblewrap


Scolar (m)

Birthdate: 10/29/2008

Origin: Bubblewrap


Grumpers (f)

Birthdate: 12/03/2012

Origin: Catherine


Rowan (m)

Birthdate: 12/03/2011

Origin: Rebel


Russian Blues

Gabriella (f)

Birthdate: 7/15/2009

Origin: Poppy @ Spooky

Annabelle (f)

Birthdate: 1/07/2008

Origin: Blimeycat

Flo (f)

Birthdate: 6/18/2012

Origin: Mkay

Wolverine (m)

Birthdate: 5/23/2009

Origin: Croag (then Bubblewrap)

Thalia (f)

*coon personality*

Birthdate: 11/10/2007

Origin: Falcon or Horsey

Jolie (f)

Birthdate: 7/19/2015

Origin: Nostalgia @ Mystere

Nigel (m)

Birthdate: 3/22/2009

Origin: Michy

Mizaos (f)

Birthdate: 4/06/2009

Origin: Moon in a Jar

Siamese Cats

Natasha (f)

Birthdate: 4/05/2009

Origin: Hexed by me

Kermit (m)

Birthdate: 11/09/2009

Origin: Hexed by me

Zaia (f)

Birthdate: 6/17/2012

Origin: Angel @ Affinity

Mozart (m)

Birthdate: 1/22/2008

Origin: jesi @ SHOTglass

Tabby Cats

Aiko (f)

Birthdate: 9/16/2007

Origin: Noelle @ Diversity

Gwenda (f)

Origin: Hexed by me

Daniel (m)

Origin: Rafael

Walnut (m)

Origin: Warhorse

Isidor (m)

Origin: Reloaded

Tagalong (f)

Origin: Croag

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